What is the image of God?
In the book of Genesis 1:26-27, we read that God initiated the command to create human beings in our image so that human can be like him or them (the trinity). In Genesis 1:2, the bible says that Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters signifying the Holy Spirit was with God and in John 1:1-4, we read that the word which is Jesus (John 1:14) was with God at the beginning. The verses read that Jesus was with God at the beginning and through him all things were made and given life. The verses also says that nothing was made except through him. So at the very beginning, human beings inherited God’s image. How you may ask? by breathing into us, the bible records that he breathed into man and his breath made man a living soul (Genesis 2:7). The soul is the mind, will and emotions, and so the breath, the life of God in us shares his very DNA and nature with our mind, will and emotions sperate from all other creation.
So, God’s desire is for us to be like him or them i.e. the trinity. What does it mean to be created in God’s image or to be like him or the trinity. It means we inherit some of God’s attributes. We might be clear images of our parents but that does not mean that we inherit all of their attributes or characteristics. In that vein, we cannot possess all of God’s attributes such as being omniscient or being everywhere, you know what I mean. But we have traits and attributes that are God’s. Lets take a look at some of God’s attributes that we possess, shall we.
The creativity of God
In Genesis 1, we read about how God created the whole world. The bible records that he or they, the trinity created the heavens and the earth, light and dark, day and night, sky, land and seas, all seed bearing plant, seed bearing fruit, plants, trees and vegetation. They created the sun, moon, stars, and the seasons of the earth. They created the fish in the sea, all sea life, everything that scurries on the earth and swarms in the water. They created every sort of bird, every animal both livestock and wild and blessed them. They also created human beings, male and female they created them and blessed them to multiply and replenish the earth.
So, man is blessed with creativity which shows all over the world. We have marvelous architecture that leaves people amazed, innovations that seem out of this world, scientific discoveries that are too amazing to comprehend, and inventions that display so much creativity that blows the mind. Well little wonder there, we possess the image of God and part of it contains the creativity genius of God or the trinity.
The Social nature of God or should I say the fellowship aspect of God
All through the bible, God operates or interacts with the trinity, the host of heaven, man and even lucifer that is Satan. Evidence of the unison and work of the trinity is scattered all over the bible and even Jesus himself in John 5:19-20 explains that he does nothing by himself. He explained that he only does what he sees his father doing. He continues by saying that because the father loves him, he shows him everything and he does everything with the approval of the father. In John 14:15-31 Jesus also explains that if we accept him in our lives, he will ask the father to give us the Holy Spirit who will advocate for us forever. He says that he will not leave the disciples i.e. as orphans or by themselves but with the Holy Spirit as a guide, teacher and companion throughout our lives. Thank God for that, meaning we are not meant to be by ourselves.
In 1 John 5:7 John explains that there are three that bear witness in heaven and on earth and they are the father, the son and the holy Spirit. Revelation 5:11-12 talks about many angels and creatures too many to count singing and praising God in heaven. Hebrews 12:22 talks about mount Zion and the living God where myriads of angels are worshiping God. Deuteronomy 33:2 talks about God coming from the midst of ten thousand holy ones. Revelation 4:2-4 talks about John being in the spirit and witnessing an assembly in heaven that was filled with God the father and a great assembly of angels and elders. All through scripture we see God relating to man from Genesis to Revelations. We read that God even interacted with Satan in Job 1:7. Meaning we are meant to be relational or we are relational beings.
So its no small wonder that we as human beings crave the companionship or company of other people or even pets. We seek companionship to interact with in our families, friends, loved ones, marriages, and diverse relationships. It is part of us exhibiting the image of God that he put in us. So it is against our nature I dare to say to exist in a vacuum all by ourselves as that can lead to not so good outcomes that are perceived as unnatural. While some people claim to want to be by themselves, I am sure that there must be a reason for that. Maybe a hurt or a disappointment but, ultimately, the way God created us we are not meant to exist by ourselves. So we seek fellowship or interaction with our local church, small groups or cell groups so that we can continue the interaction that goes on in heaven here on earth too.
The knowledge of good and bad nature of God
Unfortunately this attribute was something God preferred to spare us in the beginning, however, due to the disobedience of man in Genesis 3:22, man knew evil as they knew immediately when they ate the fruit that they had sinned against God. At that moment they got knowledge of good and bad which is something only God as omniscience knew. So yes, they became like God and could determine right from wrong but it also led to disobedience which ushered in sin and death into the world and a fractured fellowship with God. Prior to the fall, man was walking in full fellowship with God without any knowledge of sin. But now sin seems to be everywhere thanks to the disobedience.
Still the goodness of God or the knowledge of good is seen in man in our kindness and generosity to one another. Our ability to care for each other and help one another. Although the goodness of God in man seems not to be magnified because of the impact of sin (bad) in our world, be rest assured that the goodness of God is still very much present in us. It is just that since we live in a fallen world full of the bad, it can seem lost. On the other hand, bad or should I say the knowledge of evil is everywhere and I do not need to write too much about that. As humans have harnessed this knowledge and perpetuated it all through history.
The loving nature of God
The bible say in 1 John 4:7-8 that God is love and if you love then you know God and you are his child but if on the hand you do not love then you do not know God for God is love. In 1 John 4:9-17 John talks about how the loving nature of God made him send his only son into the world to die for us. This is also echoed in John 3.16 and is the good news of the bible. God wants to reconcile us back to himself through his son Jesus, which is the ultimate sacrifice of love that no human can replicate or even wrap your head around. While humans love too, our love is never quite like the love of God. Our love can be transactional that is everyone looking to get something out it and most times our love is selfish because we always seek to protect ourselves and interest. Parents try to love unconditionally and spouses too try to love each other, but because the love of God may not be made perfect in us we find ourselves falling short of the mark.
Well I have great news today which is that God the father loves us so much that he sent his only son, God the son to die for us. If we accept him as our lord and savior then he will come into our lives and reconcile us back to God the father and seal us with the holy Spirit to help us know God and love him until we are reunited with him for all eternity. So, knowing that God desires that all may be saved, I would like to invite anyone who is not a believer to come to him because he loves us and desires for us to know him too.
Simply pray this prayer: “Dear God, I am sorry for turning away from you and doing things my own way. Please forgive me of my sins. I confess with my mouth and I believe with my heart that that Jesus died for my sins. I ask him to come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. Thank you Lord God in Jesus name I pray, Amen”.
That’s it. If you said this prayer and believed, you are born again and the Holy Spirit will come into your life. Your life will never be the same again. Stay blessed.